
Marshall and Rose - Piano Serial Number Reference

All piano enquiries call Steven on 0113 244 8344 or email:

Marshall and Rose Pianos, Established in 1907, in London, ENgland

Date of Manufacture Serial Number
1907 - 1909 100 - 699
1910 - 1919 700 - 3199
1920 - 1929 3200 - 29999
1930 - 1939 42051 - 42836
1940 - 1949 42051 - 42836
1950 - 1959 50050 - 59999
1960 - 1969 60000 - 69999
1970 - 1979 70000 - 79999
1980 - 1989 80000 - 107999
1990 - 1997 108000 - 110400